Bug #5463 Use of "advanced tools" causes 'List Index out of bounds' or lockup
Submitted: 8 Sep 2004 10:15 Modified: 3 Nov 2004 12:50
Reporter: Chris Munasinha Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.0.7 beta OS:Windows (Win2K SP4)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Sep 2004 10:15] Chris Munasinha
Using the advanced toolbar options such as the SELECT and FROM buttons on any table columns in the Schemata cause either a lockup or an error depending on the content of the query box.

How to repeat:
There are 2 variations I have been able to recreate:

- With either nothing or an garbage in the query text, use the select or from buttons,
- Expand a table
- Double click produces an "Index out of bounds" error

- Type in just SELECT into the query window
- Expand a talbe
- Double click produces either an "Index out of bounds" error or locks up the entire app

Suggested fix:
Not 100% sure I understand how these buttons are meant to work - they don't seem entirely intuitive although I imagine their functions seem obvious enough. Anyway, I'd guess these errors have to do with whatever is parsing the query.
[8 Sep 2004 12:12] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report!
I was able repeate the second case: Query Browser hangs.
But all works fine for me in the first case.
[8 Sep 2004 12:42] Chris Munasinha
I should clarify that just a single click on one of the fields caused the error in the first case.
[3 Nov 2004 12:50] Michael G. Zinner
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at