Bug #54563 InnoDB: Performance drop in varios sysbench tests
Submitted: 16 Jun 2010 19:19 Modified: 17 Jun 2010 8:06
Reporter: Alexey Stroganov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.5.5pre OS:Any
Assigned to: Sunny Bains CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jun 2010 19:19] Alexey Stroganov
While running sysbench tests for the current mysql-trunk branch we have observing performance drops in various sysbench tests for InnoDB. Most notable drop was observed in OLTP_RO:

# Test: OLTP_RO:throughput, TPS
# Server 1 - 5.5.4-m3
# Server 2 - 5.5.5-m3-pre-trunk.runtime.110610
#             Server 1   Server 2
# Thread        INNODB     INNODB
          4    1738.73    1581.36
         16    5309.76    5097.22
         64    7280.48    6270.42
        128    7127.66    6045.14
        256    6873.85    5945.02

After retesting of several binaries we've managed to isolate issue to following revisions:
3008.2.78 - performance drop
3008.2.77 - crashes
3008.2.76 - does not compile
3008.2.75 - results are ok

Below results for binary where changesets: 3008.2.76,3008.2.77,3008.2.78 were reverted:

# Test: OLTP_RO:throughput, TPS
# Server 1 - 5.5.4-m3
# Server 2 - 5.5.5-m3-pre-runtime.without_rev.3008.2.76-78
#             Server 1  Server 2
# Thread        INNODB    INNODB
          4    1738.73   1671.85
         16    5309.76   5147.09
         64    7280.48   7217.07
        128    7127.66   6967.69
        256    6873.85   6898.62

How to repeat:
Run sysbench test for 5.5.5pre
[17 Jun 2010 1:11] Sunny Bains
This was an incomplete revert of 3008.2.76..3008.2.78. I've reverted one other
change that was not reverted earlier.
[17 Jun 2010 8:06] Alexey Stroganov
Exact changes that caused performance regression were identified and reverted. Results are now on par with 5.5.4:

# Test: OLTP_RO:throughput, TPS
# Server 1 - 5.5.4-m3
# Server 2 - 5.5.5-m3-pre-fixed
#             Server 1  Server 2  
# Thread        INNODB    INNODB  
          4    1738.73   1745.53  
         16    5309.76   5162.01  
         64    7280.48   7308.89  
        128    7127.66   7170.85  
        256    6873.85   6972.87