Bug #54410 Row based replication rule mentions MySQL 6.0
Submitted: 10 Jun 2010 21:20 Modified: 19 May 2011 21:47
Reporter: Anders Karlsson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Andy Bang CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Jun 2010 21:20] Anders Karlsson
The rule: "Row-based Replication Broken For UTF8 CHAR Columns Longer Than 85 Characters" among the "Upgrade" advisiors will warn on MySQL Cluster 7.1.3 and the advice mention version 6.0, which is obsolete.

How to repeat:
The rule looks like this:
"((%server.version_numeric% >= 50100) && (%server.version_numeric% < 50126)) || ((%server.version_numeric% >= 60000) && (%server.version_numeric% < 60007))"

This is incorrect for two reasons:
- If references MySQL version 6.0, which is no longer relevant.
- It seems to break on MySQL Cluster 7.1.3 at least (I haven't check what server.version_numeric is there, but the rule will warn on this level at least).
[22 Jun 2010 7:14] Mark Leith
Verified as described.
[16 Aug 2010 23:28] Andy Bang
The Agent uses the version string (i.e. SELECT @@version) to create server.version_numeric, which is simply a number we can use in comparisons (e.g. something like "5.1.44-ndb-7.1.3-cluster-gpl" is converted to 50144).

What is the underlying version of the SQL node in your cluster?  For me it's "5.1.44-ndb-7.1.3-cluster-gpl" and the rule fires correctly.  When I look at the Advanced tab of the Event I see:

Evaluated Expression
((50144 >= 50100) && (50144 < 50126)) || ((50144 >= 60000) && (50144 < 60007))

I agree that the reference to version 6 should be removed, but am wondering why the rule is firing for you and creating an Event.  So please let me know what it is reporting for server.version_numeric.
[19 May 2011 21:47] John Russell
Added to 2.3.4 changelog:

Removed references to the discontinued MySQL 6.0 release from the
rule Row-based Replication Broken For UTF8 CHAR Columns Longer Than
85 Characters.