Bug #5424 Query Input box shows font as broken up and discontinuous
Submitted: 5 Sep 2004 20:51 Modified: 17 Sep 2004 15:09
Reporter: Scott Furry Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.7 beta OS:Windows (WinXP SP1)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Sep 2004 20:51] Scott Furry
The text in the input box appears broken up and cut off when displayed.
This is strictly a "Presentation" issue. The text is present and is acted upon by the Query Browser when the "Execute" button is pressed.

Screen Shot attached.

Monitor resolution 1280 x 1024

How to repeat:
Occurs always

Suggested fix:
Font metrics? (VC++ 6 term) - the size of the rect for the text to be displayed is not being corrected for "BOLD" text.
[6 Sep 2004 10:40] Michael G. Zinner
Thanks for reporting. Could you upload a screenshot showing the problem? Does this happen when you type in text or load a stored query or drag a bookmark entry to the SQL Memo?

Thanks a lot!
[6 Sep 2004 18:06] Scott Furry
I am able to upload the screen shot I made, but only for private viewing.
Any time I try to upload for "public" use, I get a web browser error.
Cookies are enabled. suggestions?
How can I get this screen shot to you?
[6 Sep 2004 18:10] Scott Furry
I've only noticed the problem when typing text in the upper text box or SQL edit field. The lower window(s) or tabs show the text rather well without distortion.

[9 Sep 2004 23:49] MySQL Verification Team
I wasn't able to repeat on my XP, W2k and W3k machine.
Maybe it is an environment hardware issue.
[10 Sep 2004 12:10] Scott Furry
I was able to install on a different computer and the issues are identical.
It appears that lower case text will get "spaced" incorrectly and upper case text will get squeezed together or cut off.

Note in both bitmaps...
 - the "FROM" is cutoff
 - upper case "ORDER BY" is different than the lower case "order by"

files attached: Desktop_bitmap

Both computers are XP SP1.
Could it be there is a FONT that's suppose to be installed that isn't and Windows is guessing? It looks like Query browser is drawing in MS Sans Serif. Is this correct?
That's the only explanation I can come up with as to why this problem wouldn't appear on your machine but be present on my side. Suggestions?
[10 Sep 2004 12:10] Scott Furry
Recent screen shot - comparison A

Attachment: desktop_bitmap.bmp (image/bmp, text), 172.87 KiB.

[10 Sep 2004 12:13] Scott Furry
Recent Screen Shot - comparison B

Attachment: laptop_bitmap.bmp (image/bmp, text), 176.68 KiB.

[10 Sep 2004 13:22] Michael G. Zinner
I think that the font you use is not a monospace font. Please try Courier New or Lucida Console as the Code Font. Per default, the font Vera Sans Mono should have been installed on your system.

To fix the problem you are facing with the non-monospaced font ("Arial" I suppose) increase the Width parameter of the Code Font. This should give the letters enough space to be drawn correctly.
[11 Sep 2004 4:36] Scott Furry
Thanks for the quick response. Changing the font setting from the menu bar -> tools -> options -> and "General Settings" tab did improve/alter the display.

The Vera Sans Mono font mentioned as being installed appears on the system font list as "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono". However, WinXP uses the current font settings of the system. In my case, it was MS Sans Serif.

Two other notes...
- If you select the "Choose..." button, the font is not updated with the choice selected from the font dialog. The font size is updated.

- The "presentation" of the buttons/dialogs appears to exceed the width of some controls in the Options dialog.

However, problem solved. Thank you for your help.
[17 Sep 2004 15:09] MySQL Verification Team
According with user problem solved.