Bug #54026 Unwanted columns added by workbench
Submitted: 27 May 2010 10:32 Modified: 27 May 2010 12:17
Reporter: Mark Biciunas Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.21 OS:Linux (Fedora 12)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 May 2010 10:32] Mark Biciunas
When editing or creating a table in a database diagram, if you tab past the datatype on the last column, it automatically creates a new column with a default name (table name + "col") and datatype (varchar(45)).  This column has to be manually deleted by the user.

Compounding the problem is that if there are more columns than will fit in the edit area, then the new column is not visible due to weird scrolling behaviour (another bug).

If the user does not double check all their work and do the delete procedure, then the column becomes part of the table definition!!!

How to repeat:
Create a table in a diagram.  Add a column.  Click on the last column to select it.  Click again on the column name so that the column name is highlighted for edit.  Click on the tab button so that the datatype is highlighted for edit.  Click tab and a new column is created and highlighted for edit with a default column name and datatype set.

The only way to get rid of this column is to click away from editing, click back on it and right click to delete it.

Suggested fix:
Do not set default names and datatypes for columns - Neither are useful.  If the user tabs to create a new column, then leave it blank and let the user fill it in.  If nothing is entered by the user, then no column should be added.  If only a column name or datatype is entered by the user and the user leaves the row, then show an error - the user clearly made a mistake.
[27 May 2010 10:47] Valeriy Kravchuk
I do not see this on Windows, so it is Linux-specific problem.
[27 May 2010 12:17] Susanne Ebrecht
Verified as described.

On Linux when you are using tab it will create by automatism next column varchar(45).
[14 Feb 2013 20:41] Allan Rumberger
This does happen on Windows, at least as of version 5.2.44. Not a showstopper, but it is extremely annoying.