Bug #53869 mysql crash when try to insert string values into an Int column
Submitted: 21 May 2010 1:04 Modified: 23 May 2010 14:03
Reporter: kris dba Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.1.30 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: int datatype, MySql Crash, update string

[21 May 2010 1:04] kris dba
MySQL is getting crashed when we try to insert string values into an integer column.

How to repeat:
try to execute the same update statements.
[21 May 2010 3:18] Valeriy Kravchuk
I do not see where your UPDATE is inserting string value into an int column. `war` column is defined as BIGINT. 

Please, send the error log with information about the crash.
[22 May 2010 15:50] Valeriy Kravchuk
Still not sure how exactly your problem is related to that UPDATE. In any case, please, check if the crash is repeatable for you with a newer version, 5.1.47, and inform about the results.
[23 May 2010 13:53] MySQL Verification Team
this is probably a duplicate of bug #42634 whereby the formatting of a warning in the error log due to statement binlogging crashed due to '%' character..