Bug #53575 SSH over SSH
Submitted: 11 May 2010 16:31 Modified: 14 May 2010 12:56
Reporter: Marty O'Brien Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.20 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Administration, Connection, network, ssh, topology

[11 May 2010 16:31] Marty O'Brien
I LOVE the new feature to allow connecting to MySQL over an SSH connection. I use it to connect to my remote MySQL server through my remote SSH server which on the same network.

However, I would also like to *administer* the MySQL server remotely. It seems to me that this would be possible by allowing SSH over SSH, meaning that you connect to one SSH server and it routes you through SSH to the server you want to administer.

For me, this is necessary since my database server and remote SSH server are not the same, however I cannot allow a direct remote SSH connection to the database server.

How to repeat:
Open MySQL Workbench

Click "New Server Instance" under the "Server Administration" section

Select "Take Parameters from Existing Database Connection" and select a connection that uses an SSH tunnel

Click "Next" twice

Enter the SSH connection information for the MySQL server that is local to the remote network (over SSH) but does not have an external connection

Click "Next" and select package version

Enter connection password, if needed and click "OK"

Recieve error message "Check if SSH daemon/server is up on the remote side"

Suggested fix:
A nice implementation would make it so that if you are using a pre-established SSH database connection (like I am) in the first step of setting up a server for administration, the defeult SSH setting is to use SSH OVER the existing SSH connection, if SSH over SSH is selected.
[14 May 2010 12:50] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for a nice feature request. We will discuss this.