Bug #53100 No chance to commit changes in result view after select
Submitted: 23 Apr 2010 8:38 Modified: 27 Apr 2010 1:30
Reporter: Jan T. Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.19 Beta OS:Linux (Ubuntu 9.10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: commit, Edit, result, VIEW

[23 Apr 2010 8:38] Jan T.
When selecting a table (Right click "Select rows - Limit 1000") you are able to edit the rows in the result view.
After editing one row, the result view recognizes the change (e.g. "Fetched 5 records, updated 1"), but there is no way to commit these changes. You will also get a warning, if you close the result view: "The recordset has uncommited changes".

Is this supposed to be like this?

How to repeat:
- Select a table via context menu (Select rows - Limit 1000)
- Change any field
- Try to close the result view
[23 Apr 2010 8:48] Valeriy Kravchuk
Does your table have a primary key defined and do you select it in your SELECT statement?
[23 Apr 2010 9:04] Jan T.
Yes, it has and it doesn't matter whether you select the table via the right-click context menu or select the table via the sql query view.

Let me attach 3 screenshots.

Step1: Selecting Table
Step2: Editing the field of the second row in "testcol1"
Step3: Trying to close result view
[23 Apr 2010 9:04] Jan T.
Step 1 Select

Attachment: step1_select.png (image/png, text), 19.02 KiB.

[23 Apr 2010 9:05] Jan T.
Step 2 Edit Col

Attachment: step2_editcol.png (image/png, text), 20.20 KiB.

[23 Apr 2010 9:05] Jan T.
Close view

Attachment: step3_closeview.png (image/png, text), 31.42 KiB.

[23 Apr 2010 11:14] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. Verified on FC 12 X86_64.
[27 Apr 2010 1:30] Johannes Taxacher
this is a duplicate of Bug #52705