Bug #53009 Protected memory error/crash when attempting to connect to an existing database
Submitted: 20 Apr 2010 21:01 Modified: 29 May 2010 14:12
Reporter: randall nickerson Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.1x OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Apr 2010 21:01] randall nickerson
Every attempt to connect to an existing database on the localhost ( machine immediately causes an error that reports "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt". I was able to successfully connect three days ago and have not installed/updated/altered anything on the system between then and when I first started seeing this error.

The MySql Server version is 5.1.45-community. I was originally using Workbench version 5.2.17 but upgraded it to version 5.2.19 after getting the error. 5.2.19 produces the same error.

The database instance is running fine as I can still access the database through java code and via the MySql Command Line client. All operations performed on the database through these channels work without error. I have also tried restarting the server service, but the error persists. 

How to repeat:
1. Make sure the database instance is running as a service and that the service is started.
2. Launch Workbench
3. Click New Connection under the SQL Development panel
4. Verify that the following fields read correctly:
   Connection name:   <blank>
   Connection Method: Standard (TCP/IP)
   Port:              3306
   Username:          root
   Default Schema:    <blank>
5. Click Test Connection
6. Bug window appears


1. Make sure the database instance is running as a service and that the service is started.
2. Launch Workbench
3. Click New Server Instance under Server Administration panel
4. Verify that the localhost option is selected
5. Click Next
6. Verify that the following fields read correctly:
   Connection name:   <blank>
   Connection Method: Standard (TCP/IP)
   Port:              3306
   Username:          root
   Default Schema:    <blank>
7. Click Next
8. Bug window appears

Suggested fix:
[20 Apr 2010 21:08] randall nickerson
Quick update:

I am able to successfully connect using the old MySql Query browser v.1.2.17.
[21 Apr 2010 11:09] Johannes Taxacher
can't reproduce on my Win7 and winXP machines
[21 Apr 2010 13:51] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, send the results of Help > System Info menu item.
[21 Apr 2010 18:48] randall nickerson
The 'Message' pane of the Help > System Info tab does not contain a message, either before or after the error occurs. The system information on the right reads as follows:

MySQL Workbench SE for Windows version 5.2.19
Cairo Version: 1.8.8
Rendering Mode: OpenGL is available on this system, so OpenGL is used for rendering.
OpenGL Driver Version: 2.1.7769 Release
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
CPU: 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T7400  @ 2.16GHz	���	��	��	@�T@B@�T, 2.0 GiB RAM
Video adapter info:
Adapter type: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600
Chip Type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x71C5)
BIOS String: BK-ATI VER009.
Video Memory: 262144 KB
[29 Apr 2010 14:12] Susanne Ebrecht
Where did you download Workbench and how did you install it?
[29 May 2010 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".