Bug #52958 RFE: Cluster logging timestamps to ndb_*.log
Submitted: 19 Apr 2010 22:32 Modified: 26 Apr 2010 9:04
Reporter: Kevin Benton Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1.43, 7.0.13 OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Apr 2010 22:32] Kevin Benton
Please add time stamps to all log messages generated by MySQL Cluster.  Seeing several thousand duplicate error messages in a log file with no indication of when those messages occurred leads to frustration attempting to understand when the error message was logged in an effort to correlate it with what happened on "the other end."  It also makes it *very* difficult to automate processing these log messages into meaningful alerts if we don't know when the problem started or auditing how frequently a problem is occurring.

NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer
NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer
NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer


jbalock thr: 0 waiting for lock, contentions: 1 spins: 430
jbalock thr: 0 waiting for lock, contentions: 2 spins: 61177
jbalock thr: 0 waiting for lock, contentions: 3 spins: 77942


memmanagerlock waiting for lock, contentions: 15 spins: 76780
sendbufferpool waiting for lock, contentions: 1 spins: 1
jbalock thr: 1 waiting for lock, contentions: 1 spins: 347

How to repeat:
See description.

Suggested fix:
See description.
[21 Apr 2010 8:37] Gustaf Thorslund
Hi Kevin,

Thank you for a reasonable feature request.

[26 Apr 2010 9:04] Gustaf Thorslund
Duplicate of bug#50570, see:

