Bug #5217 Exception in MSVCR71.dll when applying changes in Edit Table
Submitted: 25 Aug 2004 22:52 Modified: 26 Aug 2004 9:53
Reporter: Michael Crowl Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.10 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Aug 2004 22:52] Michael Crowl
When applying any alterations to any table schema in MySQL Administrator (and now in MySQL Query Browser) - i.e. upon clicking "Apply Changes" - I receive the following exception:

Access violation at address 7C342974 in module 'MSVCR71.dll'. Read of address 00000000

The application does not crash, it returns to the Edit Table panel - but the edits are not made and I can only Close and/or Discard Changes.

I'm working on InnoDb tables, if that makes any difference.

I had no problems with installation, and I was able to administer the database using this software for the last two days.  This problem just started today with no warning.  I have installed no other software since then.

How to repeat:
I have no idea how to repeat it on other installs.

Suggested fix:
I have no idea.  I've tried replacing the installed msvcr71.dll with one I found elsewhere, but they are identical and the same error arises.  Reboot of the system does not help.

Previous problems seem to be in the bug db in reference to installation and msvcr70.dll, but this is a different problem with a different DLL version.
[26 Aug 2004 1:10] [ name withheld ]
I too have come up with the very same error on the very same OS (Win2000).
Just like Mr. Crowl noted, this only happens when I try to save any changes.

I am working in MylSAM 

John English
[26 Aug 2004 9:53] Michael G. Zinner
Thanks for reporting. Please upgrade to 1.0.11. The issues has been addressed there.
[26 Aug 2004 19:48] Michael Crowl
Holy mackerel!  Thanks!
