Bug #51888 Connector/J docs: option useConfigs not fully documented
Submitted: 9 Mar 2010 20:22 Modified: 19 Apr 2012 0:05
Reporter: Mario Beck Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: John Russell CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Connector/J, jdbc, useConfigs

[9 Mar 2010 20:22] Mario Beck
On http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html the option "useConfigs" is documented as follows:
"Load the comma-delimited list of configuration properties before parsing the URL or applying user-specified properties. These configurations are explained in the 'Configurations' of the documentation."
But there is not "Configurations" section in the document. Therefore the option is not documented in a way, that users can understand and use it.

How to repeat:
Look at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html
search for "useConfigs"

Suggested fix:
Document the different predefined configs.
[10 Mar 2010 7:11] Tonci Grgin
Hi Mario and thanks for a good catch. Either there is no such chapter or we're missing the link in manual.

Assigning Tony to fix this.
[11 Mar 2010 10:24] Tony Bedford
OK so far I have found the following configuration options are available:

* maxPerformance - maximum performance without being reckless   
* solarisMaxPerformance - maximum performance for Solaris, avoids syscalls where it can
* 3-0-Compat - Compatibility with Connector/J 3.0.x functionality

These were mentioned in the Changelogs.

There are also (at least):

* clusterBase
* clusterBase2

But I have no further info on what these do, although they are used in the Test Suite.

Grepping the source is not throwing up much. 

What other options are there? Where can I find details of these items, either in the source, or elsewhere?
[11 Mar 2010 21:01] Mario Beck
I found the following configs in a presentation from Mark Matthews:
 - maxPerformance 
 - solarisMaxPerformance
 - fullDebug
 - 3-0-Compat 
 - 5-0-Compat
The presentation is here: 
My best idea is to ask m.matthews@sun.com
[12 Mar 2010 7:13] Tonci Grgin
Mario, if you don't mind, I'd like you to uncomment last post.
Tony, sure, Mark is the best place to ask as he wrote all this.
[19 Apr 2012 0:05] John Russell
Added the set of useConfigs values to the documentation as of 5.1.19. I documented the names and associated settings, and directed users to the actual .properties files inside the Connector/J JAR if they want the full low-level details, i.e. the comments about why various options are set like they are.