Bug #51727 Implement back/forward buttons for SQL statements (ala QB)
Submitted: 4 Mar 2010 15:56 Modified: 15 Dec 2011 16:38
Reporter: Bob Dankert Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.36 OS:Windows (W7 64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: back, forward, history, SQL statement

[4 Mar 2010 15:56] Bob Dankert
I would find it extremely useful if there was some way to navigate forward and back through the sql statements I have executed in the sql editor.  I appreciate having the history list available, but it would be much quicker if there were buttons available to easily move backwards and forwards through the sql statements entered.  As part of this, the mouse back and forward buttons should be tied to this functionality as well.

How to repeat:
Try to move forward and back through sql statements - it is clunky.

Suggested fix:
Implement back and forward functionality to the sql statement editor, attach mouse events for the page back and page forward mouse buttons.
[10 Jan 2011 19:34] Bob Dankert
Still an issue in 5.2.31.  Are there any plans to clean up some of the interface items such as this?
[10 Jan 2011 19:45] Bob Dankert
Updating version in report.
[15 Dec 2011 16:38] Bob Dankert
Updating the version.  This would be an excellent functionality to tie to each query tab, in my opinion, especially with the new layout.