Bug #51482 Problems for show a diagram after the PC wake up from hibernate state
Submitted: 25 Feb 2010 4:57 Modified: 25 Feb 2010 16:31
Reporter: Carlos Pereira Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.16 OSS Rev 5249 OS:Windows (XP SP3 Spanish)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: hibernate state, problem show diagram

[25 Feb 2010 4:57] Carlos Pereira

I found that if you shut down Windows in hibernate state without close MySQL Workbench, when you open a diagram this don't display. The only way for repair this is to restarting the PC!!!!

How to repeat:
Shut down Windows in hibernate state without close MySQL Workbench, then try to open a diagram!!!!

Suggested fix:
That MySQL Workbench shutdown completely from the memory the library that renders the diagram and then put in memory when you open again Workbench!!!

It's only a suggest!!!
[25 Feb 2010 13:15] Johannes Taxacher
could not repeat on my xp box. maybe it depends on the actual hardware/drivers
[25 Feb 2010 15:42] Carlos Pereira
Ummm, maybe you have the reason!!!

My machine is old right now and don't have a BIOS Full ACPI compliant!!!

I think that happend due to the pover capavilities for my machine for manage the energy states!!!!
[25 Feb 2010 16:31] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. I couldn't repeat on Windows Vista X64 too, so assume environment/hardware issue.