Bug #51213 | Connections list on home screen doesn't scroll with mouse scroll wheel | ||
Submitted: | 16 Feb 2010 17:13 | Modified: | 1 Jul 2011 18:37 |
Reporter: | Bob Dankert | Email Updates: | |
Status: | No Feedback | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Workbench | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 5.2.33 | OS: | Windows (W7 64) |
Assigned to: | Mike Lischke | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | Connection, home, mouse, regression, scroll |
[16 Feb 2010 17:13]
Bob Dankert
[14 Apr 2010 20:50]
Mike Lischke
Fixed in release.
[16 Apr 2010 19:29]
Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed in release
[19 Apr 2010 10:25]
Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.18 changelog: The scrollable boxes on the Home screen did not respond to mouse wheel events.
[10 Jan 2011 19:36]
Bob Dankert
This bug seems to have re-introduced itself into the program. In version 5.2.31 and 5.2.30, you could not scroll the list of connections with the mouse wheel. I'm not sure which version this changed exactly, but this lack of functionality can be quite frustrating.
[9 Mar 2011 22:26]
Bob Dankert
It looks like this is fixed in 5.2.32
[15 Mar 2011 16:53]
Bob Dankert
This was fixed in 5.2.32, but is again a problem in 5.2.33. Not sure why it was removed, scrolling with the mouse wheel should really be natural behavior. Bob
[1 Jun 2011 18:37]
Armando Lopez Valencia
Hello Bob. The new WB version 5.2.34 is out (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/5.2.html). Can you please try with this new version and let us know the outcome? If you are still getting the same behavior, can you please include your system info (Workbench -> Help -> System Info)on the comment? Thanks.
[1 Jul 2011 23:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".