Bug #51133 Slow OpenGL response
Submitted: 12 Feb 2010 8:34 Modified: 13 Apr 2010 12:41
Reporter: Yen-Wei Liu Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.15 OS:Windows (Chinese XP SP3 )
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Feb 2010 8:34] Yen-Wei Liu
OpenGL rendering is much much slower than GDI rendering. I have to use '-swrendering' switch to disable OpenGL to make it faster.

How to repeat:
Tested on two machines:

1. Chinese Windows XP SP3 with ATI card.
2. Chinese Windows Server 2008 With GeForce chip.

OpenGL support on both are installed. 

See the attached model file. Near the top-middle there is an "UserAuth" table, which has around 50 relations. With OpenGL turned on, moving "UserAuth" around is really painful. 

It is crawling on machine 1 , which has a slower CPU, and walking on machine 2, which was bought in the past 6 months and is faster.

Should you need more specific hardware/software info about those two graphic cards/chips and drivers, let me know.
[12 Feb 2010 8:42] Yen-Wei Liu
"It is crawling on machine 1 , which has a slower CPU, and walking on machine 2, which was bought in the past 6 months and is faster" 

should be

"With OpenGL turned on, it is crawling on machine 1 , which has a slower CPU. and walking on machine 2, which was bought in the past 6 months and faster. With GDI turned on, moving "UserAuth" around on machine 1 is reasonably fast. and really smooth on machine 2."
[13 Apr 2010 12:41] Mike Lischke
Duplicate of Bug #49266