Bug #51011 mysqld_multi should check under basedir (if set) for mysql binaries
Submitted: 9 Feb 2010 0:06 Modified: 23 Feb 2010 11:06
Reporter: Ben Krug Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: General Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Feb 2010 0:06] Ben Krug
mysqld_multi uses $PATH to find my_print_defaults, so it will give an error if this is not in the path.  If user sets a basedir in the .cnf file, it would make sense to check under the $basedir/bin.  As it is, mysqld_multi.server errors out, saying that it can't find my_print_defaults.  

If a user has multiple installations in multiple directories, it could be nicer to manage them using my.cnf settings rather than setting and re-setting $PATH.  For an untarred installation, scripts etc would likely be under $basedir.

How to repeat:
untar binaries to a non-standard location, try to run my-print-defaults (or use mysqld_multi.server) without adding install directory to $PATH.

Suggested fix:
It would be a nice feature for mysqld_multi to check under $basedir as well as under $PATH.
[23 Feb 2010 11:06] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a feature request.