Bug #50987 EXPLAIN attempted on a data structure that no longer exists
Submitted: 8 Feb 2010 11:24 Modified: 29 Jun 2010 10:28
Reporter: Jonathon Coombes Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Proxy: Core Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:0.7.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mem, memory leak, proxy

[8 Feb 2010 11:24] Jonathon Coombes
Getting an assertion failure in the mysql-monitor-agent.log as:

2010-01-26 15:39:50: (critical) (read_query_result) [string "/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/share/mysql-pro..."]:785: assertion failed!
2010-01-26 15:39:50: (critical) proxy-plugin.c.288: got asked to send a resultset, but ignoring it as we already have sent 1 resultset(s). 
injection-id: 3

This seems to suggest that an explain is trying to be performed on a data structure that no longer exists.

The second line regarding the resultset is a side effect and not a primary cause.

How to repeat:
[29 Jun 2010 10:28] MC Brown
Fixed in 2.2.0; no changelog entry required. 

Diego Medina added a comment - 01/Jun/10 11:02 PM
Verified fixed on