Bug #50751 table editor does not display default foreign key name
Submitted: 29 Jan 2010 22:19 Modified: 19 Feb 2010 12:18
Reporter: Jack Ostroff Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.15 OSS Beta Rev 5053 OS:Windows (Vista Home Basic)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jan 2010 22:19] Jack Ostroff
If I create a table, the column editor uses the default column name and types for PK and other columns.  However, in the Foreign Keys tab, clicking on the Foreign Key Name column in an empty row does not populate the field with the default name as specified on the Model tab of the Edit/Preferences window.

This works as expected on 5.2.14 OSS Beta compiled under Gentoo Linux.

How to repeat:
In the table editor, select the Foreign Keys tab and double click under Foreign Key Name.
[1 Feb 2010 13:32] Johannes Taxacher
Hi Jack,

what you are trying to do, is to create a FK connection from scratch using the table editor, did i got that right? The thing is, when using the FK tab to create a relation, you have to first enter a name for the key before you can specify the target-table and columns - so the editor doesn't have the information to create a name following a template at the time you click into a new FK row.
The values to generate the names are only for the visual connection tools when connecting the tables on the model ... or did i misinterpret your description?
[3 Feb 2010 15:24] Jack Ostroff

Yes, you understand correctly.  What you say makes sense - except that on Gentoo linux (compiled from source) and on Ubuntu (from the .deb package) if I click on the new fk-name in the table editor fk tab, it DOES create a default name.  The new name only has the source table (fk_table_1) which makes sense, since I have not yet selected the destination table.  I guess my question is why does the windows version behave differently from the two linux versions I've tried?  

By the way - it would be an interesting enhancement if you could specify both tables and columns (in the table editor fk tab) before having it create the default fk name.  You can do this in the EER diagram, but not here.

[10 Feb 2010 12:13] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for your feedback.

Do I understand this right?

You want a feature request that Windows and Ubuntu should have same layout/behaviour?
[10 Feb 2010 14:43] Jack Ostroff
I would expect the same layout/behavior on different platforms, unless there is some reason not to.  I know there may be slight layout differences on different OS/Window Managers.  However, I would think behavior of a widget or editor should be identical.  Rather than an enhancement request, this is really a question: is there any reason (i.e., design or known implementation issue) for this difference?  If so, just document it.  If not, then isn't it a bug on whichever platform is not behaving as designed?