Bug #50600 mysqldump --tab honors --no-data but not --no-create-info
Submitted: 25 Jan 2010 18:44 Modified: 25 Jan 2010 21:08
Reporter: Paul DuBois Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0+ OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Jan 2010 18:44] Paul DuBois
With --tab, --no-data suppresses creation of the .txt files, but
--no-create-info does not suppress creation of .sql files. I would have
expected them to be handled consistently, such either that both options
work, or neither of them work. (Preferably, both should work.)

How to repeat:
Suppose the table test.t exists.

This command correctly creates /tmp/t.sql but not /tmp/t.txt:

mysqldump --tab=/tmp --no-data test t

This command incorrectly creates both /tmp/t.sql and /tmp/t.txt. It should not create t.sql:

mysqldump --tab=/tmp --no-create-info test t
[25 Jan 2010 21:08] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.