Bug #50548 The 'Split Tab' functionality in MySQL Query browser is missing in Workbench
Submitted: 22 Jan 2010 15:14 Modified: 25 Jan 2010 15:48
Reporter: Vlad Untu Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:all OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Jan 2010 15:14] Vlad Untu
The 'Split Tab' functionality in MySQL Query browser is missing in Workbench. 
I belive that this is an important functionality.

How to repeat:
In Query Browser you could split the tab and then do, for example:

In the first tab:
SELECT id_customer, name FROM customer;

In the splitted tab:
SELECT id_order, id_customer, date FROM orders WHERE id_customer = :id_customer

This enabled you to quicky see the orders for each selected customer in the first tab.

Suggested fix:
Add this functionality to Workbench
[25 Jan 2010 15:51] Johannes Taxacher
thank you for the report, we'll put that back in, but unfortunately this has to wait for the next major version (6.0)
[28 Jul 2010 14:33] Darrell DeVeaux
Agreed that this was very useful. Thought I had missed it.  Been usinq Query Browser instead of Workbench a lot because this was missing.
[16 Oct 2013 12:30] Arie Bush
Has this important "split tab" functionality, with the dynamic parameter ":" functionality, been added to Workbench 6.0? I still can't find it.