Bug #50530 missing ctrl+e keybinding
Submitted: 22 Jan 2010 6:50 Modified: 22 Jan 2010 10:45
Reporter: Marcin Szalowicz Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.14 beta OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: cursor missing, keybinding

[22 Jan 2010 6:50] Marcin Szalowicz
Ok, there is one feature missing that was available in query browser, it's keybinding CTRL+E that in query browser allowed me to run query instead of this.. now workbench uses ctrl+enter (for me.. as for all people I know) it's not good shortcut... so.. if You could add/restore this keybinding

The second thing is that after i execute query cursor focus is moving to the tabs... it would be great if it can stay in the sql statement field text

the third ugly thing is that in query browser i just have to separate queries by ; if i have many of them it was working great.. here i nede to highlight the query i want to execute and it's not just good as separate with delimiter and/or ; 

How to repeat:
1. Turn on PC
2. open up browser
3. check internet connection
4. type dev.mysql.com and download MySql Workbench 5.2.14 beta
5. create some db connection
6. in the sql statement field, type some query and try to execute it with CTRL+E, 

Suggested fix:
add support for ctrl+e query execution
add support for many queries in one sql statement window by separating them by ;
[22 Jan 2010 8:46] Johannes Taxacher
WB uses Ctrl+E already in document/model part as a shortcut for "Edit selected object". We thought about applying this shortcut to the "EDIT OBJECT" feature in query mode as well.
We have to discuss that and see if we can tackle the other issues too.
[22 Jan 2010 10:45] Marcin Szalowicz
well, maybe you could add some shortcuts manager ? so everyone can edit/set his own preferences, or.. do this like eclipse did.. i'e' kind of perespective view (invisible for the user), so when i'm on the sql statement tab, the shortucts are changed for that view... if i'm on err diagram then it's err view and the rest...
what do You think about that ?