Bug #49912 Acct usability changes to admin roles list
Submitted: 24 Dec 2009 16:33 Modified: 25 Dec 2009 9:38
Reporter: Mike Frank Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.11 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Dec 2009 16:33] Mike Frank
Accounts/Administrative Roles Screen

Need usability changes to list in suggested fix

How to repeat:
go to Accounts/Administrative Roles Screen

Suggested fix:
I have 2 suggestions for this. 
1) Order such the superior is above subordiate co-role -- Sec Admin above user admin 

2) Make the the check box greyed out and selected --  so it can't be clicked or unclicked unless superior is deselected.
[25 Dec 2009 9:38] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the feature request.
[28 Dec 2009 10:37] Susanne Ebrecht
For what is Sec Admin at all?

Create a super user directly on the system:

GRANT ALL on *.* TO myuser@'myhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

This should mark the user in Workbench as Sec Admin. But Sec Admin isn't marked. It is not marked on any super user.

So for what the hell is that role?

Same with the role DBA.

"grants the right to perform all tasks"

Isn't that exactly what a super user is? Why isn't it marked on super users?

These roles aren't compatible with MySQL server at all.

It is very confusing and I am not able to see the sense at all.