Bug #49859 Allow layers to be "rolled up", i.e., collapsible
Submitted: 21 Dec 2009 20:59 Modified: 5 Jan 2010 8:51
Reporter: Paul Arking Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.11 beta OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: collapsible, data model, layers

[21 Dec 2009 20:59] Paul Arking
I think it would be a great enhancement to allow layers to "roll up" (i.e., collapse) so that the contents are hidden and only the title bar is visible. This is great when you need to tuck away some rarely-used, but still necessary, information to free up space for other tables. This also allows you to squeeze more tables into a given space. This feature is found on other database modeling software and would be a great enhancement to this package.

If implemented, this could be done similar to the way Indexes can be "rolled up" using the triangle/arrow icon on the right-hand side.

How to repeat:
Create a layer. Add the ability to "roll it up" / collapse it.
[5 Jan 2010 8:51] Johannes Taxacher
this is an interesting feature request, but we'll have to postpone that to version 6.0 as its not a trivial task.