Bug #49847 Forward engineer with omitting table comments
Submitted: 21 Dec 2009 14:12 Modified: 4 Nov 2010 11:04
Reporter: Ghassan Al-Noubani Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.10 OS:Any (UBUNTU Linux)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: forward engineering, table comments

[21 Dec 2009 14:12] Ghassan Al-Noubani
This is not really a bug but a request for new feature.
Is there a possibility to do the forward engineering but with the option of omitting creating table comments in the create table statement, 

How to repeat:
Create an ER model, create a table and add comments to it
go to file>export>forward engineer SQL create script
the created script will contain table comments in create table statement
[21 Dec 2009 15:25] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report? What exact version of MySQL Workbench do you use? 5.2.11 is the latest.
[22 Dec 2009 6:07] Ghassan Al-Noubani
I am using version 5.2.10 under UBUNTU Linux

[22 Dec 2009 7:28] Ghassan Al-Noubani
Also having the option to omit field comments,
[29 Dec 2009 0:53] James Downie
I would also appreciate this feature. I have designed a scheme using Workbench 5.2.11 on Mac OS. I am trying to deploy my schema to MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4-log (Ubuntu) when I get an error complaining that the comment on one of my bit columns is too long. My comment is 283 chars.
[13 Feb 2010 23:42] Allan Oliveira
I'm using 5.2.14OSSb Rev4990.

Since August-2008 until now, the inconvenience persists. Bug #39121
[27 Jun 2010 11:32] Karsten Wutzke
Please add an option to omit all comments from the generated SQL script.
[24 Sep 2010 11:34] Michael Garcia
This would be a very nice feature, however to get round this I just generated the SQL script and ran the following regular expression

s/COMMENT (= )?'.*'//g

I was then able to load in the SQL without problems.
[4 Nov 2010 11:04] Johannes Taxacher
This can be considered a duplicate of Bug #38597
[21 Mar 2013 13:17] Ghassan Al-Noubani
Thank you Michael Garcia , this helped me in Linux, the solution is as follows:

To solve the comments problem in Work Bench for Linux users

open the sql file in geany Geany

press ctrl+h or search>replace

Type this in the "search for" field

COMMENT (= )?'.*'

type nothing in the "replace with" field

press the "in Document" button