Bug #4966 NDB binaries not compiling
Submitted: 9 Aug 2004 21:06 Modified: 9 Aug 2004 23:06
Reporter: Chad Martin Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.4 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Aug 2004 21:06] Chad Martin
When following the compilation directions for MySQL 4.1 on an AMD64 system running Gentoo Linux 2004.2, the bin directory under the ndb directory never gets created and no errors crash the compile.  I'm following the directions from the Introduction to MySQL Cluster for MySQL users.  The bug is happening on two different machines.  This is using a nightly snapshot from August 3, 2004.  I have verified that the compile script I'm using has the --with-ndbcluster flag.  Many ndb_* binaries get build and installed with make install, but the ndb binary and the Mgmtsrvr binary do not get built, among others.

How to repeat:
tar -xvpzf mysql-4.1.4*.tar.gz
cd into the directory created

Here I remove the -mcpu flag, due to reported problems with the -march flag.


The build finishes cleanly, but I have no ndb/bin directory as the docs lead me to believe I should have.

Suggested fix:
I suspect this is an issue with the makefiles, but I haven't had time to verify this.
[9 Aug 2004 23:06] Jonas Oreland
ndbd and ndb_mgmd are located under $prefix/libexec

the ndb/bin directory is no longer used, please read

[10 Aug 2004 15:27] Chad Martin
Thanks for the link.  Looking at the date of the email linked, it is disappointing that it takes 2+ months to update something as critical as binary name and location changes in what is usually excellent MySQL documentation.