I have the issue that the HasRow property of myReader often returns false, although
there is 1 record in the respective table. The strange thing is, that it sometimes works correctly
and sometimes not.
Please see the method:
public void FindFirstRec()
/* this Method finds the first entry in the header table and returns
* the record ID because I want the queue to work among the FIFO principles */
string SQLQuery="SELECT __headerID, AUFNR FROM header ORDER BY __headerID ASC";
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLQuery, mycon);
// ExecuteReader returns a dataset
MySqlDataReader myReader = mycmd.ExecuteReader();
MessageBox.Show("Waiting for myReader"); // debug code
if (myReader.HasRows)
RecID=myReader.GetInt32(0); // gets the first field which is a INT type
Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToString(RecID)+" "+OrderNumber); // debug
information to console
myReader.Close(); // closes the Reader
The statement: if (myReader.HasRows) often, not always, returns false, although
there is 1 record in the respective table.
If I would not check with "HasRows" the statement
"OrderNumber=myReader.GetString(1)" would through following error: "Object
reference not set to an instance of an object"
3) As I mentioned, this happens mostly, but sometimes it works. If it works than
only after the program got restarted.
4) The method works reliably if there are at least 2 records in the table. (if
only 1 record, then it is often ignored as already mentioned).
5) If there are at least 2 records, then it identifies record 2 as the 1st
record while the other record is still ignored.
6) I mentioned that it sometimes works. If it worked, and I repeat the method,
then the 2nd time (and each following try) it doesn't work.
I would appreciate very much your help on this. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to
finish my work. Please just let me know if I did a mistake or if it needs a
bugfix on your end.
Here's the complete class (just for your reference):
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace ASReporter
/* This class is designed to move jobs from header to header_spooler tables.
* It happens record by record. Once a record is "computed" the next record
* can be taken from the header table. Reason is to make sure that there is
* alway only 1 print job stored in the spooler tables (header_spooler
* and detail_spooler). */
public class computeJob
string DataSource;
string Database;
string UserID;
string Password;
string MyConString;
int RecID;
string OrderNumber;
MySqlConnection mycon;
MySqlCommand mycmd;
public void ConnectDatabase()
// set connection and open mysql database
DataSource = "localhost";
Database = "ASReporter";
UserID = "";
Password = "";
// create connection string
MyConString = "Data Source=" + DataSource +
";Database=" + Database +
";User ID=" + UserID +
";Password=" + Password;
mycon = new MySqlConnection(MyConString);
mycon.Open(); // open database based on defined connection
public void FindFirstRec()
/* this Method finds the first entry in the header table and returns
* the record ID because I want the queue to work among the FIFO principles */
string SQLQuery="SELECT __headerID, AUFNR FROM header ORDER BY __headerID ASC";
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLQuery, mycon);
// ExecuteReader returns a dataset
MySqlDataReader myReader = mycmd.ExecuteReader();
MessageBox.Show("Waiting for myReader");
if (myReader.HasRows)
RecID=myReader.GetInt32(0); // gets the first field which is a INT type
Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToString(RecID)+" "+OrderNumber); // debug information to console
myReader.Close(); // closes the Reader
public void MoveHeader()
string CopyHeaderRec="INSERT INTO header_spooler SELECT * FROM header WHERE __headerID="+this.RecID;
// update command object with Query String
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(CopyHeaderRec, mycon);
mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // execute Query
string DeleteHeaderRec="DELETE FROM header WHERE __headerID="+this.RecID;
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(DeleteHeaderRec, mycon);
public void MoveDetail()
string CopyDetailRec="INSERT INTO detail_spooler SELECT * FROM detail WHERE _headerID="+this.RecID;
// update command object with Query String
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(CopyDetailRec, mycon);
mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // execute Query
string DeleteDetailRec="DELETE FROM detail WHERE _headerID="+this.RecID;
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(DeleteDetailRec, mycon);
public void SendRecord()
MessageBox.Show("Gedruckt wird Auftragsnr: "
+ this.OrderNumber + " Job-ID: " + Convert.ToString(this.RecID));
public void CloseDBConnection()
mycmd.Dispose(); // close connection and destroy command object
public void ClearSpooler()
string ClrSpooler="DELETE FROM header_spooler;" +
"DELETE FROM detail_spooler;";
mycmd = new MySqlCommand(ClrSpooler, mycon);
public computeJob()
this.ConnectDatabase(); // opens database
this.FindFirstRec(); // finds first record in header (FIFO principle)
this.MoveHeader(); // moves found header record to header_spooler table
this.MoveDetail(); // moves corresponding detail records to detail_spooler table
this.SendRecord(); // performs action (i.e. printing a report based on records
// in header_spooler and detail_spooler
this.ClearSpooler(); // After job is processed it needs to be removed from Spooler;
this.CloseDBConnection(); // closes db connection
How to repeat:
Repeat myReader.HasRow as described in my method above. Repetition is not 100% reliable. It sometimes works, especially if the program is restarted. But even then, it can cappen that the HasRow attribute returns FALSE instead of TRUE (if there is only 1 record). The respective table has 45 columns in total. Hope that is not a problem.