Bug #494 Symbol 0xFF is not allowed in column names
Submitted: 24 May 2003 13:58 Modified: 21 Feb 2009 22:05
Reporter: Dmitriy Simakov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0 OS:Any (Any)
Assigned to: Michael Widenius CPU Architecture:Any

[24 May 2003 13:58] Dmitriy Simakov
Character with code 0xFF is used in many national chractes sets, for example in Russian (cp1251). And it's not possible use it as a column name (and table name too). 

How to repeat:
create table new1
  `я` int

Tip: to produce that symbol just hold Alt and type 0255 on numpad
[29 May 2003 11:10] Indrek Siitan
* Doesn't work with 4.0
* Doesn't work with 4.0 client against 4.1 server
* Works with 4.1 client against 4.1 server when not escaped with ``
* Doesn't work with 4.1 client/server when escaped in ``
[5 Jun 2003 1:43] Jani Tolonen
This is a known deficiency issue, which is targeted to be fixed in 5.1.
There is a note about this in the manual, under section
"Open Bugs / Design Deficiencies in MySQL".

"Because of how table definitions files are stored one can't use character 255  (CHAR(255)) in table names, column names or enums. This is scheduled to be fixed  in version 5.1 when we have new table definition format files."

[21 Feb 2009 22:05] Peter Gulutzan
In cp1251 the character 0xff is CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA.
In version 5.1 I can create a table with a column containing
that character in the name. So I close this bug.