Bug #49145 "Create EER Model from ..." will open model tab on [Cancel]
Submitted: 26 Nov 2009 18:34 Modified: 27 Dec 2012 23:59
Reporter: Hartmut Holzgraefe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-workbench 5.2.9 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 9.04 x86 .deb)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Nov 2009 18:34] Hartmut Holzgraefe
When pressing [Cancel] in the dialogs opened by "Create EER Model from Existing Database" or "Create EER Model from SQL Script" the model tab will still open although the user actually canceled the operation.

How to repeat:
Click "Create EER Model from Existing Database" or "Create EER Model from SQL Script" and then cancel on the selection dialog

Suggested fix:
On [Cancel] the selection window should close without any further action, the GUI should look exactly the same way as it did before clicking "Create EER from ..." just as if it never happened (it was canceled, wasn't it?)
[27 Dec 2012 23:59] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 5.2.45 release, and here's the changelog entry:

Pressing "Cancel" in either the "Create EER Model from Existing Database"
or "Create EER Model from SQL Script" dialogs would still open a Model

Thank you for the bug report.