Bug #48977 NDB tests fails
Submitted: 23 Nov 2009 8:39
Reporter: Sveta Smirnova Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Tests: Cluster Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1, 5.1-telco-7.0 bzr OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Nov 2009 8:39] Sveta Smirnova
NDB tests fail like:

CURRENT_TEST: ndb.ndb_binlog_ignore_db
mysqltest: In included file "./include/ndb_not_readonly.inc": At line 25: Failed while
waiting for mysqld to come out of readonly mode
Failed to read from '/root/mysql-5.1.41/mysql-test/var/log/ndb_binlog_ignore_db.log',
errno: 22

if compile as described in comment "[22 Nov 12:59] Michael Mussulis" of bug #48960

How to repeat:
Compile server with

./configure \
        --with-readline \
        --with-ssl=/usr \
        --without-debug \
        --enable-shared \
        --with-embedded-server \
        --localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql \
        --with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock \
        --with-mysqld-user="mysql" \
        --with-extra-charsets=all \
        --with-big-tables \
        --with-pic \
        --with-plugin-innobase \
        --with-plugin-ndbcluster \
        --with-plugin-archive \
        --with-plugin-blackhole \
        --with-plugin-csv \
        --with-plugin-federated \
        --with-plugin-partition \
        --without-example-storage-engine \
        --without-plugin-daemon_example \
        --without-plugin-ftexample \
        --enable-local-infile \
        --enable-largefile \
        --enable-thread-safe-client \

Run tests as: ./mtr  --suite=ndb --force
[23 Nov 2009 8:41] Sveta Smirnova
Workaround: compile with help of script BUILD/compile-pentium64-debug-max
[23 Nov 2009 15:18] Sveta Smirnova
Problem is repeatable with telco-7.0 tree as well.

Error log contains records:

091123 18:15:47 [Warning] NDB : Tables not available after 60 seconds.  Consider increasing --ndb-wait-setup value
[19 Apr 2010 22:38] Mark Webster
I experienced exactly the same issue, building from official 5.1.45 source.
This was on Debian Lenny. I'll try not to go into too much distro-specific information, but here's what I've discovered so far:

I added package sources for Debian 'unstable', then did 'apt-get build-dep mysql-server-5.1', which installs g++-4.4.3-7 and accompanying dev environment. In this case, NDB tests fail no matter how I build mysql, unless I use 'BUILD/compile-pentium64-debug-max' as Sveta suggested earlier.

However, downgrading to g++-4.3 fixes the problem. I'm not going to speculate about what the true cause is.