Bug #48892 funcCLIProcessCommands fails after r1067
Submitted: 19 Nov 2009 8:12 Modified: 19 Nov 2009 9:06
Reporter: Gunn Olaussen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Tests: Cluster Manager Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:r1068 OS:Any
Assigned to: Gunn Olaussen CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Nov 2009 8:12] Gunn Olaussen
1) TestCase testChangePos2(com.mysql.mgt.jet.mgtcli.MgtCliProcessCmdsTestCase) Test Change process to the existing process type FAILED
Execution did not return ok
Output from MgtCmdClient:
ERROR 6011 (00MGR) at line 1: The command results in no change to the cluster configuration
2) TestCase testChangeNeg6(com.mysql.mgt.jet.mgtcli.MgtCliProcessCmdsTestCase) Test Change process when cluster partially running FAILED
Expected errorcode doesn't match response from MgtCmdClient:
Response from MgtCmdClient:
ERROR 6011 (00MGR) at line 1: The command results in no change to the cluster configuration

How to repeat:
Run funcCLIProcessCommands on any platform

Suggested fix:
Expected result should be changed: COMMAND_OK -> CLUSTER_CONFIG_NO_CHANGE