Bug #4852 | lock tables ... write still works wrong | ||
Submitted: | 2 Aug 2004 7:04 | Modified: | 29 Sep 2008 22:33 |
Reporter: | Igor Blagodetelev | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 4.0.21-nightly-20040729-Max-log | OS: | Linux (Linux RHEL AS 3.0) |
Assigned to: | Marko Mäkelä | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[2 Aug 2004 7:04]
Igor Blagodetelev
[2 Aug 2004 7:59]
Igor Blagodetelev
The same error occurred if I've used "insert into table_for_lock_innodb values (1);".
[2 Aug 2004 10:00]
Heikki Tuuri
Igor, the 4.0 tree does not yet contain recent 'pushed' changes that are associated with this bug. The 'commit' message of bk does not mean that the change is yet pushed to the central repository. Since the fix of this bug requires changing the auto-commit behavior in LOCK TABLES, we have to review the change carefully. Best regards, Heikki ....... heikki@hundin:~/mysql-4.0/sql> bk changes ChangeSet@1.1935.1.2, 2004-08-01 13:26:01+02:00, serg@serg.mylan bug#4816. index search for NULL in blob ChangeSet@1.1935.1.1, 2004-07-31 22:39:10+02:00, serg@serg.mylan BUG#4393, BUG#4356 - incorrect decimals in fix_length_and_dec() in some functi ons ChangeSet@1.1936, 2004-07-31 22:33:20+02:00, guilhem@mysql.com Fix for: Bug #4810 "deadlock with KILL when the victim was in a wait state" (I included mutex unlock into exit_cond() for future safety) and BUG#4827 "KILL while START SLAVE may lead to replication slave crash" ChangeSet@1.1930.1.1, 2004-07-31 09:49:32+02:00, guilhem@mysql.com removing assertion (will be moved to 4.1) for non-debug to compile ChangeSet@1.1928.1.1, 2004-07-30 18:53:54+02:00, serg@serg.mylan install-sh: copy not move like any reasonably modern install does ChangeSet@1.1931.1.1, 2004-07-30 17:02:26+03:00, heikki@hundin.mysql.fi row0sel.c, page0page.ic: Add still more diagnostic code to track buffer pool corruption in one AMD64/ Linux computer ChangeSet@1.1932, 2004-07-30 16:58:25+03:00, marko@hundin.mysql.fi dict0crea.c: Restore accidentally deleted comment to dict_create_sys_tables_tuple() ChangeSet@1.1929.1.1, 2004-07-30 14:04:52+02:00, lenz@mysql.com - make sure the Windows "-classic" server binaries actually include "-classic" in the version string ChangeSet@1.1930, 2004-07-30 10:20:52+02:00, guilhem@mysql.com sql_class.h: removing safe_mutex_assert_owner, as it would require an include, and Konstantin already has cleaned up things with assert.h in 4.1; so I'll put the safe_mutex_assert_owner in 4.1 instead. ChangeSet@1.1915.1.2, 2004-07-30 01:00:52+02:00, guilhem@mysql.com Reverting a line I had just added to slave.cc (mutex is already locked when we come at this place). ChangeSet@1.1915.1.1, 2004-07-30 00:53:25+02:00, guilhem@mysql.com Avoiding a theoretically possible crash (pthread_mutex_lock(0)) which could (a t least in POSIX Threads books) happen on SMP machines, when a thread is going to wait on a condition and it i s KILLed at the same time. Cleaning code a bit by adding a test in enter_cond() that we have the mutex (w as already the case in all places where it's called except one which is fixed here). ChangeSet@1.1923.3.1, 2004-07-29 23:33:23+02:00, serg@serg.mylan language fix ChangeSet@1.1927, 2004-07-28 16:37:56+03:00, jani@rhols221.adsl.netsonic.fi Changed log() to mtr_log(), because of a redefination when compiled with metroworks compiler for Netware. ChangeSet@1.1923.1.3, 2004-07-27 19:14:50+03:00, heikki@hundin.mysql.fi buf0flu.c, os0file.c: Add more diagnostic code to determine when an lsn field gets corrupt; tracks a crash reported from one Itanium computer ChangeSet@1.1923.2.1, 2004-07-27 09:12:20+02:00, serg@serg.mylan avoid functions in configure ChangeSet@1.1923.1.1, 2004-07-27 09:00:17+03:00, heikki@hundin.mysql.fi row0sel.c, page0page.ic: Add diagnostic code to print hex dumps and track corruption of next record o ffsets in an index page ChangeSet@1.1925, 2004-07-26 15:32:52+02:00, ingo@mysql.com Fixed some DBUG_PRINT format problems. ChangeSet@1.1924, 2004-07-26 13:58:08+02:00, ingo@mysql.com Fixed a probable typo. Unfortunately we will not be able to test this ;-) ChangeSet@1.1923, 2004-07-26 10:52:40+02:00, serg@serg.mylan BUG#4717 - check for valid table names in ALTER TABLE ... RENAME ChangeSet@1.1922, 2004-07-23 19:41:19+02:00, serg@serg.mylan Merge bk-internal:/home/bk/mysql-4.0/ into serg.mylan:/usr/home/serg/Abk/mysql-4.0 ChangeSet@1.1919.1.1, 2004-07-23 19:12:20+02:00, serg@serg.mylan workaround for Sun Forte / x86 BUG#4681 ChangeSet@1.1921, 2004-07-23 12:44:09+02:00, lenz@mysql.com - match shared library file name suffixes on Mac OS X (.dylib) and HP-UX (.sl) for creating "mysql-shared" packages there ChangeSet@1.1920, 2004-07-23 12:27:28+02:00, lenz@mysql.com - Use the same compile options for the upcoming darwin8 OS in configure.in (thanks to Al Begley from Apple for the hint) ChangeSet@1.1919, 2004-07-22 19:28:11+02:00, serg@serg.mylan distclean: rm -f lex_hash.h BUG#4583
[2 Aug 2004 14:31]
Marko Mäkelä
The problem is that there are two sets of table locks. LOCK TABLES obtains an InnoDB table lock and a MySQL table lock. A transaction commit (at end of each statement in AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode) releases all InnoDB locks, but not MySQL table locks. It looks like this problem can be solved by modifying LOCK TABLES so that it starts a transaction by performing an implicit BEGIN. One problem would still remain: an explicit COMMIT between LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES will release InnoDB locks but not the MySQL table locks.
[6 Sep 2004 12:24]
Marko Mäkelä
The most straightforward way of fixing this bug would be to make LOCK TABLES start a transaction. However, some applications running in AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode simply close the connection when they are finished, and rely on the server to unlock the tables. Were LOCK TABLES modified to do an implicit BEGIN, the transaction would be rolled back on abrupt connection termination, breaking such applications. In AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode, all statements would have been committed individually, and nothing would be rolled back. Unfortunately, for the sake of backward compatibility, this bug cannot be fixed in MySQL 4.0 or 4.1. The transaction system will be revised in MySQL 5.0. The work-around is to run the connection in AUTOCOMMIT=0 mode when using LOCK TABLES, or to issue a BEGIN statement before LOCK TABLES.
[29 Sep 2008 16:48]
Konstantin Osipov
Can't repeat it on 6.0.8. I believe this was fixed in 5.1 with Bug#12713. Needs to be re-verified for documentation purposes.
[29 Sep 2008 22:33]
MySQL Verification Team
Not repeatable with 5.1.