Bug #47751 binlog_index test fails on Windows
Submitted: 30 Sep 2009 17:51 Modified: 21 Dec 2009 10:52
Reporter: Sergey Petrunya Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Tests Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.40 OS:Windows (XP Russian)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Sep 2009 17:51] Sergey Petrunya
binlog_index test fails on Windows. It doesn't fail on every machine (we have it pass on one of our windows OSes but fail on another), but if it does fail, one will reliably get a result like this:

C:\dev\mysql-5.1-look\mysql-test>perl ./mysql-test-run.pl binlog_index
Logging: ./mysql-test-run.pl  binlog_index
MySQL Version 5.1.40
Checking supported features...
 - skipping ndbcluster, mysqld not compiled with ndbcluster
 - SSL connections supported
 - binaries are debug compiled
Collecting tests...
 - adding combinations for binlog
vardir: c:/dev/mysql-5.1-look/mysql-test/var
Checking leftover processes...
 - found old pid 324 in 'mysqld.1.pid', killing it...
   process did not exist!
Removing old var directory...
Creating var directory 'c:/dev/mysql-5.1-look/mysql-test/var'...
Installing system database...
Using server port 4087


TEST                                      RESULT   TIME (ms)

worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 43, with reserved ports 10430..10439
worker[1] mysql-test-run: WARNING: running this script as _root_ will cause some tests to be skipped
binlog.binlog_index 'row'                [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2009-09-30 20:03:49

CURRENT_TEST: binlog.binlog_index
--- c:/dev/mysql-5.1-look/mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_index.result 2009-09-30 18:00:08.706881600 +0300
+++ c:\dev\mysql-5.1-look\mysql-test\suite\binlog\r\binlog_index.reject 2009-09-30 19:03:49.300625600 +0300
@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@
 *** must be a warning master-bin.000001 was not found ***
 Warning        1612    Being purged log master-bin.000001 was not found
-Warning        1612    Being purged log master-bin.000001 was not found
 *** must show one record, of the active binlog, left in the index file after PURGE ***
 show binary logs;
 Log_name       File_size
+master-bin.000001      #
+master-bin.000002      #
+master-bin.000003      #
 master-bin.000004      #
 reset master;
+Warning        1612    Being purged log .\master-bin.000001 was not found
 flush logs;
 flush logs;
 flush logs;

mysqltest: Result content mismatch

Warnings from just before the error:
Error 1377 a problem with deleting .\master-bin.000001; consider examining correspondence of your binlog index file to t
he actual binlog files

 - saving 'c:/dev/mysql-5.1-look/mysql-test/var/log/binlog.binlog_index-row/' to 'c:/dev/mysql-5.1-look/mysql-test/var/l

Only  1  of 3 completed.
mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: Not all tests completed

How to repeat:
Compile the server from source and run the tests:

bzr branch lp:mysql-server
cd mysql-server
cd mysql-test
perl ./mysql-test-run.pl binlog_index
[30 Sep 2009 18:44] MySQL Verification Team
On mysql-5.1 source tree and English Vista 64-bit passed:

Removing old var directory...
Creating var directory 'c:/build/mysql-5.1/mysql-test/var'...
Installing system database...
Using server port 49473


TEST                                      RESULT   TIME (ms)

worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 13000..13009
binlog.binlog_index 'row'                [ pass ]  10826
binlog.binlog_index 'stmt'               [ pass ]  14289
binlog.binlog_index 'mix'                [ pass ]  15834
The servers were restarted 2 times
Spent 40.949 of 196 seconds executing testcases

All 3 tests were successful.

[21 Nov 2009 10:52] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, check with a newer version, 5.1.41, and inform about the results.
[22 Dec 2009 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".