Bug #47750 wcwidth(3) used in readline code is implicitly declared
Submitted: 30 Sep 2009 17:36 Modified: 16 Jan 2014 12:56
Reporter: Staale Smedseng Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1+ OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Sep 2009 17:36] Staale Smedseng
wcwidth(3) used in readline code is implicitly declared when building
on Linux due to the fact that _XOPEN_SOURCE is not defined. Currently
only Solaris builds define this.

How to repeat:
Compile. Inspect warnings.

Suggested fix:
Either define _XOPEN_SOURCE for Linux in the same manner as for
Solaris (include/my_global.h), or optionally determine with configure
which platforms can/should have XOPEN compatibility defined.
[16 Jan 2014 12:56] Ståle Deraas
Posted by developer:
readline not used in MySQL.