Bug #47695 porting scripts/make_win_bin_dist to c
Submitted: 29 Sep 2009 2:09 Modified: 1 Dec 2009 1:27
Reporter: jack andrews Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 OS:Windows
Assigned to: jack andrews CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Sep 2009 2:09] jack andrews
we need to support users compiling from source.  we can't ship scripts so we must use C/C++. 

this work leads on to the configurator for windows

How to repeat:
[29 Sep 2009 2:13] jack andrews
[this was raised now as atrt seems to need a bin dist structure]
[1 Dec 2009 1:27] jack andrews
this was never needed and new work has been done
to get cmake to 'install' windows cluster.

to see this work, something like:

 $ grep -rI INSTALL --include=CMakeLists.txt storage/ndb

currently, it just creates a bin dist for use
with atrt.