Bug #4747 Help : About gives system error
Submitted: 26 Jul 2004 2:07 Modified: 29 Oct 2004 23:24
Reporter: Kevin Roberts (Candidate Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:Beta 1.0.8 OS:Windows (Win2K)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Jul 2004 2:07] Kevin Roberts
Help:About gives system error 87 (parameter is incorrect)

How to repeat:
I removed Beta 1.0.7 Administrator using Windows Add/Remove Program in Control Panel, then installed Beta 1.0.8. Launched Administator and went to Help : About to verify install, but got error message:

The following exception occurred:
System Error. Code: 87.
The parameter is incorrect.

I removed Beta 1.0.8, downloaded a new installation file, ran complete install again. Same problem.
[26 Jul 2004 3:26] MySQL Verification Team
Are you tried to install it starting the computer with safe mode ?
[26 Jul 2004 15:26] Kevin Roberts
I did not try installing it in "safe mode."

Problem was on a workstation running W2K with executable installed on my G: drive which is an NTFS partition.

I also tried installing Beta 1.0.8 on my laptop at work which is also running W2K and got the same error (this time installing it on my laptop's C: drive which is FAT32.

I installed the executable on my Windows 2003 server (D: drive, NTFS), and did NOT have any problems.
[29 Oct 2004 15:48] Kevin Roberts
This bug should be closed.