Bug #47380 Too long comment for table '<TABLE_NAME>'
Submitted: 16 Sep 2009 15:43 Modified: 10 Nov 2009 14:13
Reporter: arnaud lemercier Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.18 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: comment, error 1105, table

[16 Sep 2009 15:43] arnaud lemercier
When I write a long comment on a table with MySQL Workbench, the forward Engineering failed.

########## LOGS ############
Executing SQL script in server
ERROR: Error 1105: Too long comment for table 'example'

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `mydb`.`Example`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mydb`.`Example` (
  `idExample` INT NOT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idExample`) )
COMMENT = 'This is a long comment with more than 60 caracters. This is not bloc in the IDE but script failed.'

####### END OF LOGS ########

How to repeat:
 1 - Create a new table "Example"
 2 - Add a long comment
 3 - Start forward Engineering (Ctrl+G)

Suggested fix:
Block textfield to 60 caracters
[16 Sep 2009 15:44] arnaud lemercier
Example MySQL Workbench File

Attachment: BUG_47380.mwb (, text), 3.80 KiB.

[16 Sep 2009 15:46] Valeriy Kravchuk
Looks like a duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=43517. Check Susanne's comments there.
[16 Sep 2009 16:03] arnaud lemercier
Sorry, I'm French and I'm not sure I understand correctly.

The description fields are preserved for documentation of the SE version? 
Is there any adjustment provided for the OSS version?
Can you keep this unlimited field and correct that the forward engineering exports only the first 60 characters?
[16 Sep 2009 16:07] Valeriy Kravchuk

"Can you keep this unlimited field and correct that the forward engineering exports only
the first 60 characters?"

sounds like a nice and useful feature request, for OSS edition at least. Thank you.
[18 Sep 2009 12:48] Johannes Taxacher
There's no special handling of too long comments in tables. Only SE version has a validation module that alerts the user of having oversized comments in a table object.

This is a feature we have on the list for 5.2 where we'll let WB sync the first 60 chars (or first line) of a comment to/from database (also including visualization of this behaviour in the editor)
[10 Nov 2009 14:13] Susanne Ebrecht
This is a duplicate of bug #38597