Bug #47236 EER Diagram objects resize every time project is opened
Submitted: 10 Sep 2009 8:04 Modified: 14 Sep 2009 14:47
Reporter: Ville Walveranta Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.18 SE, OSS OS:Windows (tested in Windows XP Pro SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: EER Diagram, object, resize

[10 Sep 2009 8:04] Ville Walveranta
The size of the EER objects changes every time the application is opened. The sizes of the EER objects are not maintained between sessions the way the user set and saved them.

This problem has been discussed on the forum at the following URL:

The problem exists in the latest version of Standard Edition (5.1.18), but it does not exist in 5.2.2 of the Community Edition.

This is a significant usability problem especially in larger projects where the tables have been carefully sized so that they display all/most columns in them. When such model is reopened and an EER diagram is viewed, the user has to make the table objects manually bigger every time in order to make sense of the presentation.

How to repeat:
Open Workbench 5.1.18 SE. Create an EER Diagram. Place table objects on it, and make the larger, with or without columns. Save the model. Close the application. Reopen the application. Reopen the model. 

The tables in the EER diagram now appear minimized. 

Suggested fix:
The objects should be made to retain the sizes as the user set them. The bug-free code clearly exists in OSS 5.2.2, so it should be fairly easy to correct the problem. 

In the message thread on the forum the fear is that the problem code present in latest SE release hasn't just been merged to OSS 5.2.2 yet and that it would resurface there eventually.

This should receive fairly high priority as it makes the program really painful to use in projects with large number of tables in the EER diagrams.
[10 Sep 2009 8:10] Ville Walveranta
Proof-reading at 3am isn't working so well. ;-) Here's the corrected version of "how to repeat":

Open Workbench 5.1.18 SE. Create an EER Diagram. Place table objects on it and make them larger, with or without columns. Save the model. Close the application. Reopen the application. Reopen the model.
[10 Sep 2009 11:20] Valeriy Kravchuk
Verified just as described on XP. Whtaver size is set in properties, table is drawn in "predefined" size when you re-open the project.
[14 Sep 2009 14:47] Johannes Taxacher
marked as duplicate of #46806