Bug #47208 ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE error message should print database name
Submitted: 9 Sep 2009 7:28
Reporter: Shane Bester (Platinum Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Errors Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1, 5.5 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Sep 2009 7:28] Shane Bester
ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE should include the database name in the error message,
so we know which exact table needs repairing, aka this is current message:

Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `t1`" or dump/reload to fix it!

We need this message to be generated:

Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `test`.`t1`" or dump/reload to fix it!

How to repeat:
feature request for better error message.

Suggested fix:
fix mysql_admin_table() to set the database name in the error message.
[9 Sep 2009 9:10] Kristian Köhntopp
This is a meta-bug, actually. Many of its kind have been filed before, and many will come that are similar.

Any error message that refers to a specific (table, view, user, trigger, procedure and function, etc) must always print that objects type and name (That is, "table thistablesname needs upgrade." instead of "Something needs an upgrade.").
[29 Jun 2011 10:51] MySQL Verification Team
bug #44778 is a duplicate