The event count gets 'out of sync' when the number of open events skips below the next 'events per page boundary' (which is by default a multiple of 20) and one uses the 'last' link. Then "No events found" is shown together with a silly numbering like
[61 to 58 of 58] << first << prev 1 2 3
This happens both on the main dashboard and on the Events page. Closing events on the 'Events' page or on the dashboard both have effects for the other page, depending whether there the 'times-20' boundary is hit. So closing a lot of events can also affect links like 'prev'.
Work around:
- always refresh page before using a navigation link
- use one of the 'first' link lets the counter re-sync and show the remaining events
How to repeat:
- have > 20 events on the main dashboard or events page (with the default of 20 events shown per page)
For getting the critical events for the main dashboard page I started a lot of agents and killed them (no 'stop', just 'kill')
- close some events so that there are now less than the 'next 20-boundary', e.g. from 21 to 18
- click on 'last' link (and do not refresh the page before doing this)
- see "No events found" and crazy numbering like "[ 21 to 18 of 18 ]"
Suggested fix:
idea: always re-calc before processing one of the links that go to other pages, like 'next', 'prev', 'last' and also the page numbered links