Bug #46690 Installation error
Submitted: 13 Aug 2009 8:46 Modified: 9 Sep 2009 8:56
Reporter: Ljubomir Cirovic Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:community 5.1.37 OS:Linux (SLES 9)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Aug 2009 8:46] Ljubomir Cirovic
When I tried to install MySQL community server 5.1.37 on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 I got the following message:

error: Failed dependencies:
	aaa_base is needed by MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9

Even after reinstallation of the aaa_base package (version 9-29.8) and rebooting the system I still got the same results.

Installation of libraries and client was completed without any problems.

Last version of MySQL community server that worked on the system was 5.0.27.

When I tried to install some older versions of MySQL community server (5.0.77, 5.0.83, 5.1.32) I got the same message.

Do you have any suggestions?

How to repeat:
Start installation of MySQL community server RPM package on a SLES 9 server from Webmin software package installation module.
[13 Aug 2009 9:01] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Do you have pwdutils package installed also?
[13 Aug 2009 9:07] Ljubomir Cirovic
Yes I do, package version 2.6.4-2.16.
[13 Aug 2009 9:36] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Could you please provide output of `rpm --verbose other-options-you-use`
[13 Aug 2009 10:01] Ljubomir Cirovic
Here it is.

> rpm -v -i MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9.i586.rpm
warning: MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9.i586.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies:
	aaa_base is needed by MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9
[14 Aug 2009 10:39] Ljubomir Cirovic
Maybe these results of my trial-and-error approach might help:

1. I reinstalled MySQL 4.0.18 from SuSE installation CD -> OK
2. Then I installed MySQL-server.4.1.0-0.i386.rpm -> OK
3. MySQL-server-standard-4.1.13-0.sles9.i586.rpm -> OK
4. MySQL-server-standard-4.1.14-0.sles9.i586.rpm -> Error Failed dependencies:
	aaa_base is needed by MySQL-server-community-4.1.14-0.sles9
5. Next, I tried higher version (MySQL-server.5.0.0-0.i386.rpm -> OK) and the installation was successfull.
6. MySQL-server-standard-5.0.10-0.sles9.i586.rpm -> OK
7. No installation of higher version(s) of server than 5.0.10 succeded and the error was always the same as in (4), only rpm version number(s) changed.
8. All installations of client and shared libraries versions to the highest went smoothly.

I suspect that there is some hidden dependency problem but I have no idea what that could be.
[20 Aug 2009 9:50] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

I can not repeat described behavior. Please provide output of `rpm -qa | grep aaa` also.
[20 Aug 2009 10:13] Ljubomir Cirovic
The required output is blank, even without grep.

> rpm -qa MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9.i586.rpm | grep aaa

Maybe the version of SLES 9 kernel [(hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.5-7.97-bigsmp.HP] is of importance?

Thank you on your efforts.
[20 Aug 2009 10:20] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

But I asked you about output of 

rpm -qa | grep aaa


rpm -qa MySQL-server-community-5.1.37-0.sles9.i586.rpm | grep aaa

If first command without grep returns nothing this means problem is with rpm and MySQL can do nothing here.
[20 Aug 2009 10:25] Ljubomir Cirovic
I am sorry, my mistake. Here is the required output:
> rpm -qa | grep aaa
[8 Sep 2009 17:56] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

> rpm -qa | grep aaa

This looks you have superfluous aaa_base packages. Please try to leave single aaa_base package, then install: probably this is the cause of failure as MySQL package contains no special requirement for aaa_base, it just listed in dependencies.
[8 Sep 2009 17:56] Sveta Smirnova
Please also indicate version of RPM you use.
[9 Sep 2009 5:56] Ljubomir Cirovic
Version of the installed rpm package is 4.1.1-177.6

I also have noticed duplicated entries for aaa_base-9-29.8 and tried to uninstall and then install it again through Yast. Output from rpm -qa | grep aaa was the same afterwards. 

I issued rpm --rebuilddb -v and again rpm -qa | grep aaa gave the same result.

Then I installed MySQL-community-server/client/shared-5.0.85-0.sles9. Installation process was successful and the server worked fine with existing tables.

When I installed MySQL-server/client-community/shared-compat-5.1.37-0.sles9 installation went OK but the server could not start and the message was:

Failed to start database :

Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file...failed
[9 Sep 2009 6:10] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

> Then I installed MySQL-community-server/client/shared-5.0.85-0.sles9. Installation process
> was successful and the server worked fine with existing tables.
> When I installed MySQL-server/client-community/shared-compat-5.1.37-0.sles9 installation
> went OK but the server could not start and the message was:
> Failed to start database :

This is another problem and most likely happened because you mix libraries of different servers, but more details are in mysqld error log file.

Can you install MySQL server after solving situation with aaa_base package?
[9 Sep 2009 7:25] Ljubomir Cirovic
Situation with aaa_base package is solved in the following manner:
1. rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps aaa_base
2. rpm --rebuilddb -v
3. rpm -qa | grep aaa now gives: 

Order of installation of MySQL 5.1.37 packages:
1. client-community
2. shared-compat
3. server-community

Server did not started and the error message is the same:

Failed to start database :
Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file...failed
[9 Sep 2009 8:14] Ljubomir Cirovic
Regarding aaa_base package I forgot to say that I downloaded and installed aaa_base 9.3-9.2.i586.rpm package from rpm.pbone.net, before issuing rpm -qa | grep aaa_base.
[9 Sep 2009 8:26] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

As you solved aaa_base problem closing report as "Not a Bug" as this is surely not a bug of MySQL rpm package. Probably aaa_base problem could be reported to producers of SLES RPM, but this is not MySQL bug.

Regarding to the error when starting server I assume this is not MySQL bug as well, but something wrong with your setup. Support on using our products is available both free in our forums at http://forums.mysql.com/ and for a reasonable fee direct from our skilled support engineers at http://www.mysql.com/support/

Please check error log file and you can prove this is MySQL bug open new report. Attach full error log file to the report.
[9 Sep 2009 8:56] Ljubomir Cirovic
After repairing tables in mysql.db installation of MySQL 5.1.37 server and client was successful, server is working fine and all data is readable.

Thank you and g'bye.