Bug #4637 Don't showing row size
Submitted: 20 Jul 2004 0:42 Modified: 22 Jul 2004 19:05
Reporter: Roberto Spadim (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:ALL OS:Any (ALL)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jul 2004 0:42] Roberto Spadim
Before mysql 4.1.3 the row is not showed correctly! 
because the new field inserted into
a bug was reported to documentation page because this fields was not showed in the documentation (BUG #4540) now we need to update the control center to get the right field
Thanks :)

How to repeat:
open a table in the control center (not using sql! just the ide)

Suggested fix:
Find the name of the field instead the number (in PHP:mysql_result($table,0,"name")  ) in C it would be more diferrent, i'm not using c into my programs (they aren't complex)
[20 Jul 2004 6:40] Roberto Spadim
Sorry! it's not ROW size, it's TABLE size!
[22 Jul 2004 19:05] MySQL Verification Team

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