Bug #45925 NDBD Crashes on some or all nodes 7.0.6
Submitted: 2 Jul 2009 22:09 Modified: 24 Aug 2009 13:19
Reporter: John Sabo Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: crash, disk, mysql-5.1.34, ndb, ndb-7.0.6

[2 Jul 2009 22:09] John Sabo
We have 4 data nodes and since upgrading to 7.0.6 we've been experiencing a lot of crashes.. Sometimes it's just 1 node.. sometimes it's the entire cluster

We're using Gentoo Linux w/ 2.6.29, disk ndb tables, XFS on AMD dual quad-core Opterons.

2009-07-02 14:36:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- Node 2 killed this node because GCP stop was detected
2009-07-02 14:36:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- NDBCNTR (Line: 260) 0x0000000a
2009-07-02 14:36:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- Error handler shutting down system
2009-07-02 14:36:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- Error handler shutdown completed - exiting
2009-07-02 14:36:05 [ndbd] ALERT    -- Node 2: Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 2303: 'System error, node killed during node restart by other node(Internal error, programming error or missing
error message, please report a bug). Temporary error, restart node'.
2009-07-02 14:44:44 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel pid: 10266 ndb pid: 10267
NDBMT: non-mt

How to repeat:
Hard to call exactly what it is.
[2 Jul 2009 22:11] John Sabo
Trace logs, ndb logs and cluster config.

Attachment: configs_logs_traces.tbz2 (application/octet-stream, text), 315.72 KiB.

[3 Jul 2009 11:57] John Sabo
Not sure if it's important.. But the OS and NDB directory are on a hardware raid0 array and the undo and data files are on separate drives. (3 drives volumes total) All XFS
[24 Aug 2009 13:19] Jørgen Austvik
Duplicate of bug#37227