Bug #4573 TIMESTAMP does not work as documented
Submitted: 16 Jul 2004 5:23 Modified: 16 Jul 2004 22:20
Reporter: Scott Douglass Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.3-beta OS:Linux (Fedora 2/Linux x86)
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jul 2004 5:23] Scott Douglass
Mentions that when running mysqld with the MAXDB option, TIMESTAMP columns are treated as DATETIME. However, I am not running mysqld with the MAXDB option, and I'm getting the same behavior.  The expected, documented, behavior is for TIMESTAMP columns to keep operating as they did in 4.0 (automatic insert and update.)

I biuld mysql from source, and it is configured as follows:
V=`pwd | awk -F "-" '{ print $2}'`
CFLAGS="-O3" CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -felide-constructors \
  -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" ./configure \
  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql/$V \
  --libexecdir=/usr/local/mysql/$V/sbin \
  --localstatedir=/usr/local/var/mysql \
  --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc \
  --enable-assembler \
  --enable-thread-safe-client \
  --with-raid \
  --with-mysqld-user=mysql \
  --with-libwrap \
  --with-comment="spacepirates" \
  --with-vio \
  --with-openssl \
  --with-charset=utf8 \

How to repeat:
create a table with a timestamp column, insert of update into this table without specifying a value for the timestamp column. Instead of mysql filling in the timestamp, you'll get an error stating that the column can't be null.
[16 Jul 2004 22:20] Dean Ellis
I cannot repeat this against the current development sources.  Timestamps are behaving as expected.  Please submit a complete test case, with the SQL which demonstrates the behavior you are seeing.