Bug #4561 User privileges not displayed correctly
Submitted: 15 Jul 2004 9:38 Modified: 16 Jul 2004 0:59
Reporter: Christian Kirsch Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.0.6 beta, static OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Jul 2004 9:38] Christian Kirsch
Select User administration, than a user and a database/host-combination for this user. All privileges appear in the "Available Privileges" list, none in the "Assigned" list. This is true regardless of the real privileges: Even "root" seems to have none at all.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
execute a "show grants for user@host" and filter the result set for the currently selected database/host combination. Display the privileges in the "assigned" list, and all others in the "available" list
[15 Jul 2004 11:44] Michael G. Zinner
Thanks for reporting. Did you check the Global Privileges of that user (you have to enable them in the Options)? Per default the root user has global level privileges assigned, and no schema privileges.

To make things more clear we should display higher privileges for lower levels, maybe grayed out.
[15 Jul 2004 11:50] Christian Kirsch
Right. After checking the suggested options in the preferences, I got the expected results. I still think that the GUI is irritating in this respect: If somebody has global privileges (i.e. for *all* schemas), they have these privileges for each of them. This should be easily visible in the GUI.
[16 Jul 2004 0:59] Alfredo Kojima
The schema privileges list have been changed to display global privileges in gray, in the assigned list. The next release should have this fix included.

Thank you for your feedback and bug report.