Bug #4556 ByteFx
Submitted: 14 Jul 2004 23:16 Modified: 4 Oct 2004 12:28
Reporter: Alexey Tsynaev Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: Mono 1.0 OS:Linux (SuSe 8.2)
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Jul 2004 23:16] Alexey Tsynaev
I have found that if table has DateTime field with null or '0000-00-00 00:00:00' value in the row, then this row not apear in the DateSet after
When DateTime field has normal date then everything fine.

I've checked MySqlClient sources and found 
public sealed class MySqlDataAdapter : DbDataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter 
this means that described mistake is in the DbDataAdapter class, because
there are no overrided 'Fill' methods.

Could you help me and contact with mono-project and solve this mistake.

How to repeat:
CREATE TABLE `radsess` (                                                                                                              `AcctStartTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
PRIMARY KEY(`AcctStartTime`),
KEY `AcctStartTime`(`AcctStartTime`)
[15 Jul 2004 21:36] Alexey Tsynaev
I'm happy it was fixed in mono CVS repository

2004-07-07 Umadevi S <sumadevi@novell.com>
* DataContainer.cs :CheckedforNull before calling the relavant setmethods in each of the SetItemForDataRecord method for the DateTimeClass
[1 Oct 2004 23:19] Matthew Lord

Thank you for your bug report!

Your problem is no longer exhibiting itself with the latest version of mono?

Best Regards
[4 Oct 2004 8:18] Alexey Tsynaev
it's ok with mono 1.0.1