Submitted: | 16 Jun 2009 18:02 | Modified: | 18 Jun 2009 8:44 |
Reporter: | Bugs System | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Duplicate | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Locking | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 5.0.67 5.1.31 5.1.35 | OS: | Solaris (Solais 10 u6) |
Assigned to: | Assigned Account | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | copy to tmp table, order by, rand, tmp table |
[16 Jun 2009 18:02]
Bugs System
[16 Jun 2009 20:33]
Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report. You said "if the last "ORDER BY RAND()" query is not finished, all the others stay in a "copy to tmp table" state" This is correct: ORDER BY RAND() uses filesort and can not behave as fast as ORDER BY some_key. This happens, because when you use ORDER BY RAND() is same if you write query like: SELECT id, rand() FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND(); This means rand() will be created for every row in the table. So this is not a bug.
[17 Jun 2009 9:21]
Bugs System
I think you didn't understand what I meant. Maybe I was not clear enough. The problem is not that the ORDER BY RAND() takes a long time. I know it's normal. By the way, the problem is the same if you order on an existing column or anything that takes a little time. We have two kind of servers here. Linux and solaris 10. The problem appears only on solaris. Note : on linux, mysql forks chield where solaris uses threads, maybe it's related.. The request with which we encountered the problem is this one (it's one from wordpress) : SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id INNER JOIN wp_posts AS p ON tr.object_id = p.ID WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ( 'post_tag' ) AND p.post_date_gmt < '2009-06-18 13:53:01' AND tt.count > 0 GROUP BY t.term_id ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 20; Here is the point that is the bug : This query alone takes around 1.5 seconds to resolve on solaris (on linux it takes 0.5 seconds - if usefull). It's quite long, but this doesn't matter... The real problem is that if you launch another similar query before the first one ends, the first will be delayed. If you launch a third one, the two firsts will be delayed and so on, and it can last like this forever (meaning until server crashs). Queries are lock in "copy to temp table" state, but nothing is written in tmpdir.... Files are created, but not filled. To reproduce the bug, you need to be on solaris 10 u6 (we've tested with many different my.cnf with no changes). Use the query above on a medium-sized database (the one we have is around 55Mo, including indexes), so that it takes more than one second to resolve, then make a little loop to launch a new query each second
[18 Jun 2009 8:44]
Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback. Tested both on Solaris and Linux. Same problem is repeatable on Linux as well, but as query runs on Linux faster (in my case too) it is harder to notice. But this problem does not apply to ORDER BY RAND() only and was reported earlier: see bug #31551 and bug #36448. So this is duplicate of bug #31551