Bug #4534 StartupItem Package incorrectly implemented
Submitted: 13 Jul 2004 7:38 Modified: 21 Jul 2004 19:01
Reporter: Bryan M. Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.2 OS:MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Jul 2004 7:38] Bryan M.
There's a small flaw in the implementation of the new StartupItem. In order for StartupItems to 
execute, the name of the shell script executable file within the StartupItem's directory _MUST_ 
match the name of the directory itself. Since MySQL has changed the name of the directory from 
MySQL to MySQLCOM in order to prevent collision with pre-installed versions of MySQL on OS X 
10.3 Server systems but failed to reflect that change in the file name of the script, you'll need to 
change either the name of the directory or the name of the file.

For more information, see Apple's Developer Reference Library in Mac OS X under the topic 
System Startup.  (There's an even better and easier method by creating bootstraped on-demand 
startup items in OS X 10.3+ in the same document.)

How to repeat:
Install the StartupItem package included with the  4.1.2 binary distribution.

Suggested fix:
Two possible fixes.

1.  Change the installer script's resulting directory back from /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM 
to /Library/StartupItems/MySQL.
2.  Change the installer script's resulting shell script executable from /Library/StartupItems/
MySQLCOM/MySQL to /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM.
[21 Jul 2004 19:01] Lenz Grimmer
Thanks, this has been fixed in the meanwhile and will be part of MySQL 4.1.4:

ChangeSet@1.1960.1.16, 2004-07-14 09:10:49+02:00, lenz@mysql.com
   - fixed file name of the MySQL startup item script to MySQLCOM,
     so it's included in the source distribution

ChangeSet@1.1960.1.15, 2004-07-13 22:11:33+02:00, lenz@mysql.com
   - Fixed a previous modification to the MySQL Startup Item for
     Mac OS X: the name of the startup script itself must match the
     name of the subdirectory it's located in. Changed MySQL->MySQLCOM
     in the Do-pkg script and renamed the file in BK. (Thanks to Bryan
     McCormack for reporting this)