Bug #453 SQLColumns reports error with call to get COlumns for Table that does not
Submitted: 20 May 2003 2:41 Modified: 4 Jun 2003 15:04
Reporter: Stephen Dakin Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.51 OS:Windows (Win 2000)
Assigned to: Venu Anuganti CPU Architecture:Any

[20 May 2003 2:41] Stephen Dakin
This is identical in nature and reproduction to Bug 452 reported by myself.

SImply replace SQLStatictics with SQLCOlumns

How to repeat:
Open a connection
Open a statment
Call SQLCOlumns with a table name that does not exist in the database

Suggested fix:
Return an empty result set in this scenario.
[20 May 2003 21:55] Venu Anuganti
Thanks for the report. Its true that SQLColumns/SQLStatistics returns an error in case of 
non-existing table is used as szTableName argument; as this is directly mapped with SHOW 
syntax. As per the ODBC spec, it should return SQL_SUCCESS with 0 rows for this kind of 
cases; and currently it is returning SQL_ERROR.  
I just fixed this in 3.51 as well as in 3.52.  
[4 Jun 2003 15:04] Venu Anuganti
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest
development tree for that product. You can find more information about
accessing our development trees at 