Bug #45138 | porting unittest/** to windows in cluster -telco-7.0 | ||
Submitted: | 27 May 2009 15:25 | Modified: | 28 May 2009 12:29 |
Reporter: | jack andrews | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 | OS: | Windows |
Assigned to: | jack andrews | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | 7.0 |
[27 May 2009 15:25]
jack andrews
[27 May 2009 15:26]
jack andrews
<jack> magnus: $ROOT/unittest has been ported to windows in mysql-6.0. should i be working in a -6 branch of ndb or back port this work to 5.1 ndb? [for the getText() tests] <magnus> jack: very good find. Let me have a look in 6.0 first. <magnus> jack: we'll probably backport it <magnus> jack: ok, you can backport unittest/unit.pl from 6.1 to 7.0 ;) <magnus> sorry 6.0 to 7.0 :) <magnus> jack: no bug report necessary, just copy it back. Then commit with a "good" comment and push. <jack> magnus: and the CMakeLists.txt files? -- any other files? <magnus> jack: I can't see that those files has changed. Do you? =-= geert is now known as geert|brb =-= geert|brb is now known as geert <jack> magnus: in my branch of -7.0, i don't have, for example, unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt that mysql-6.0 has <magnus> hmm <jack> magnus: is there any way to tell bzr to merge in changes from mysql-6.0 to mysql-5.1-telco-6.0 in unittest? <magnus> jack: no =-= YOU are now known as jack|brb <magnus> jack: I think you can leave those files, we will compile our unitests somewhere down in storage/ndb/ <magnus> jack: and then run "perl unit.pl storage/ndb" <geert> jonas: still around? <magnus> jack: with the fixes is 6.0, it should find any programs ending with "-t.exe" that we have compiled <magnus> s/is/in/ =-= YOU are now known as jack |<-- todd|away has left (Quit: Leaving) -->| todd (~tfarmer@localhost) has joined #cluster |<-- todd|laptop has left (Quit: Leaving) <jack> magnus: but don't i have to build the tap lib or something? <jonas> geert: yes <magnus> jack: no ;) Look how BaseString-t is built <geert> jonas: ALU had customer outage, was issue few moments ago.. seems heartbeat failure again <magnus> storage/ndb/src/common/util/Makefile.am <jack> magnus: so we choose no to use tap? would others agree with this? what advantages do we lose by not using tap? <magnus> jack: Try to compile BaseString.cpp with TEST_BASE_STRING defined, then link with general and mysys <jonas> geert: new issue ? <geert> jonas: https://support.mysql.com/view.php?id=37316 <geert> jonas: only S2 for now apparently <magnus> jack: we are using unittest/mytap/ through storage/include/util/NdbTap.hpp, that file included unittest/mytap/tap.h and tap.c <magnus> jack: and defines some small macros <jonas> geert: did they have replication ? (i.e was this unnoticed by cellphone user) ? <magnus> jack: did that just to make it easy to compile, no need to point out too many libraries. <geert> jonas: I asked for status, but you just curious now, or? :-) <jonas> geert: yes, just curious... =-= vita_bb30 is now known as victoria <jonas> geert: i can call gg today/tomorrow... <geert> jonas: I guess there's not much we can do there, just helping them through the upgrade I guess <jack> magnus: ok, no problem. i'll follow the BaseString-t example and write the getText tests. i'll copy the new unit.pl and commit to -7.0. i'll create bugs too, for tracking <jack> magnus: oh, commit to -telco-6.0? <magnus> jack: ok. Always good to keep track of things using bugs, I like that a lot. <magnus> jack: mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 |<-- amorgan has left (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) <jack> magnus: tap.c was ported to windows in mysql-6.0. it won't compile in -telco-7.0 =-= frazer is now known as frazer-away =-= geir is now known as geir|away =-= geert is now known as geert|dinner <geert|dinner> early.. =-= victoria is now known as vita_away =-= csylvester is now known as csylveste
[27 May 2009 15:27]
jack andrews
<jack> magnus: $ROOT/unittest has been ported to windows in mysql-6.0. should i be working in a -6 branch of ndb or back port this work to 5.1 ndb? [for the getText() tests] <magnus> jack: very good find. Let me have a look in 6.0 first. <magnus> jack: we'll probably backport it <magnus> jack: ok, you can backport unittest/unit.pl from 6.1 to 7.0 ;) <magnus> sorry 6.0 to 7.0 :) <magnus> jack: no bug report necessary, just copy it back. Then commit with a "good" comment and push. <jack> magnus: and the CMakeLists.txt files? -- any other files? <magnus> jack: I can't see that those files has changed. Do you? <jack> magnus: in my branch of -7.0, i don't have, for example, unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt that mysql-6.0 has <magnus> hmm <jack> magnus: is there any way to tell bzr to merge in changes from mysql-6.0 to mysql-5.1-telco-6.0 in unittest? <magnus> jack: no <magnus> jack: I think you can leave those files, we will compile our unitests somewhere down in storage/ndb/ <magnus> jack: and then run "perl unit.pl storage/ndb" <geert> jonas: still around? <magnus> jack: with the fixes is 6.0, it should find any programs ending with "-t.exe" that we have compiled <magnus> s/is/in/ <jack> magnus: but don't i have to build the tap lib or something? <magnus> jack: no ;) Look how BaseString-t is built <magnus> storage/ndb/src/common/util/Makefile.am <jack> magnus: so we choose no to use tap? would others agree with this? what advantages do we lose by not using tap? <magnus> jack: Try to compile BaseString.cpp with TEST_BASE_STRING defined, then link with general and mysys <magnus> jack: we are using unittest/mytap/ through storage/include/util/NdbTap.hpp, that file included unittest/mytap/tap.h and tap.c <magnus> jack: and defines some small macros <magnus> jack: did that just to make it easy to compile, no need to point out too many libraries. <jack> magnus: ok, no problem. i'll follow the BaseString-t example and write the getText tests. i'll copy the new unit.pl and commit to -7.0. i'll create bugs too, for tracking <jack> magnus: oh, commit to -telco-6.0? <magnus> jack: ok. Always good to keep track of things using bugs, I like that a lot. <magnus> jack: mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 <jack> magnus: tap.c was ported to windows in mysql-6.0. it won't compile in -telco-7.0
[28 May 2009 12:29]
jack andrews
fixed in bug 45099. but only fixed for BaseString-t test. unittest/mysys/* not ported